
AOD-9604 2mg


(4.9) (15 customer reviews)

Researched Benefits:


  • Promotes fat loss without muscle wasting
  • Stimulates lipolysis, reducing body fat
  • Enhances metabolic rate
  • Aids in cartilage regeneration and repair


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ALL ARTICLES AND PRODUCT INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS WEBSITE ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The products offered on this website are intended solely for research and laboratory use. These products are not intended for human or animal consumption. They are not medicines or drugs and have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Any form of bodily introduction is strictly prohibited by law.


AOD-9604 is a research-grade peptide used extensively in obesity research and muscle regeneration studies. Sourced from high-quality raw materials and synthesized using state-of-the-art technology, our AOD-9604 is guaranteed for its purity and efficacy in research applications.

Key Features:

  • Synthesized to the highest industry standards
  • Rigorous quality control and batch consistency
  • Lyophilized for long-term stability


  • Promotes fat loss and inhibits lipogenesis
  • Enhances muscle regeneration and repair
  • Investigates metabolic disorders and obesity-related diseases

Specifications and Documentation


Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): Coming Soon.

Handling and Storage Instructions: Coming Soon.


AOD-9604 is a modified form fragment of the human growth hormone (GH) which encompasses the fat reducing activity of GH without its muscle-building effects, making it extremely sought after for research aimed at understanding fat metabolism and developing anti-obesity treatments.

Additional information



Molecular Formula


Molecular Weight

1815.08 g/mol





Synthesis Method

Solid-phase synthesis


Lyophilized powder


Water/Sterile Diluent

Stability & Storage

Up to 24 months at -20°C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.


Fat loss, muscle regeneration, metabolic disorders research


White to off-white powder


Not for human consumption. For research use only.

Safety Information

MSDS available upon request

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Table of Contents
AOD-9604 peptide product from Pure Lab Peptides for fat loss support.

Buy AOD 9604 Peptide | Peptide Therapy Targeting Visceral Fat

Have you ever wondered how science is making its mark on weight loss solutions?

In the search for effective approaches, the aod-9604 peptide shines as a beacon of hope.

Originally developed as a potential anti-obesity drug, this peptide therapy promises to target body fat in ways diet and exercise alone sometimes can’t.

Whether your goal is fat loss or exploring the nuances of peptide treatments, this article will give you the lowdown on everything from safety to potential benefits.

So, let’s explore this remarkable peptide without a hitch!

Understanding AOD 9604 Peptide

What is AOD 9604?

Simply put, AOD 9604 is a modified fragment of the human growth hormone (hgh), specifically the 176-191 sequence. Originally developed to tackle obesity, AOD-9604 works by mimicking the way natural growth hormone regulates fat metabolism. It’s like the behind-the-scenes manager that nudges those pesky fat cells into burning mode.

How does AOD 9604 differ from other peptides?

Unlike many other peptides or the full-length growth hormones, AOD-9604 is a synthetic peptide that focuses on lipid metabolism without many adverse effects on blood sugar. It’s designed to be laser-focused on fat loss rather than influencing everything under the sun.

The chemistry behind AOD-9604 peptide

The magic of AOD-9604 lies in its ability to stimulate the pituitary gland indirectly without the adverse effects one might expect from traditional hgh. Its modified fragment is crafted to zero in on fat metabolism by stimulating lipolysis and inhibiting lipogenesis. Think of it as a dedicated fat-burning machine with fewer jitters.

Clinical studies on AOD-9604 peptide

Clinical studies have led to fascinating discoveries around this little powerhouse. Did you know that trials on obese zucker rats and obese mice, as well as in a rabbit osteoarthritis model, have demonstrated its promising effects? These include a reduction in body weight and improved lipid metabolism—a feat that turns skeptics into believers. Oh, and for you fellow data geeks, it resulted in a 50% reduction in body fat for some of these poor rats on the couch.

AOD 9604: Mechanism of Action

Original Pure Lab Peptides Activity Diagram depicting steps to understand the mechanism of AOD-9604 peptide.

How does AOD 9604 work in the body?

This peptide works by mimicking the way natural growth hormone regulates fat metabolism. By engaging the breakdown of fat, it mediates the process of burning energy stored in fat cells. It’s as if it whispers to your body’s metabolic systems, saying, “Hey, let’s start the fat-burning party!”

Mechanisms of AOD-9604 for weight loss

When it comes to weight loss, AOD-9604 puts on its superhero cape by stimulating lipolysis—the process where lipid metabolism is activated to provide energy—and inhibiting the creation of new fat cells. It’s the ultimate firewall against food materials turning into excessive body fat, resulting in a better weight management strategy overall.

How AOD-9604 targets visceral fat

Visceral fat is pesky and clings stubbornly around your organs. But fret not! AOD-9604 peptide directly goes for those visceral areas, promoting fat loss where it matters most while keeping adverse effects at bay.

Peptide therapy benefits of AOD 9604

Peptide therapy delivers AOD 9604 directly where it’s needed, skipping the oral supplement highway that loses effectiveness in the digestive system. The benefits of aod-9604 include aiding in fat metabolism with minimal interference in the body’s other natural growth processes.

Peptide Therapy with AOD 9604

Original Pure Lab Peptides Sequence Diagram illustrating the pathway for using AOD-9604 peptide therapy.

What is peptide therapy?

In simple terms, peptide therapy includes the use of specific amino acid sequences to trigger various health benefits. In this context, the aod-9604 peptide helps in regulating fat metabolism more naturally by emulating biological processes.

Advantages of peptide therapy for fat loss

Unlike traditional methods, peptide therapy targets specific areas with precision. It’s like hitting the bullseye every single time! For weight loss, this means you can effectively target and stimulate your metabolic pathways without compromising your overall health.

Efficacy of AOD 9604 peptide therapy

Taking aod-9604 has shown effective results in several studies with reduced health risks compared to other weight loss methods. Through direct injection, the peptide can bypass any bodily resistance that would otherwise inhibit its lipolytic prowess.

Common misconceptions about AOD-9604 peptide therapy

Some folks think peptides are magic bullets, but they work best as part of a balanced equation with diet and exercise. They regulate fat metabolism but don’t waive the need for healthy choices.

Fat Loss and AOD-9604

How effective is AOD-9604 for weight loss?

Once you buy aod 9604, you’re investing in a process that doesn’t merely burn fat but also understands the language of fat cells. The aod-9604 peptide sends the delicate signals required for fat metabolism, working effectively in conjunction with lifestyle changes.

AOD-9604 and its role in fat metabolism

When integrated into weight management regimens, aod-9604 for weight loss is compelling. It modifies the fat metabolism pathway through peptide therapy, offering an exciting alternative to classical approaches.

Does AOD-9604 work for everyone?

The million-dollar question! While AOD-9604 works for a wide range of individuals, those with specific conditions like being overly obese may need to consult healthcare providers for personalized advice before starting any injection regimen.

Long-term fat loss with AOD-9604

For those dreaming of a long-term fat loss solution, aod-9604 works not just for an instant fix but due to its mechanism, it embeds sustainable fat-burning habits into your metabolism.

Safety and Side Effects of AOD 9604

Original Pure Lab Peptides Activity Diagram outlining safety protocols for AOD-9604 usage.

Is AOD 9604 safe for consumption?

With minimal adverse effects noted, AOD-9604 boasts a safety profile that’s turning heads. Nonetheless, injections should be done wisely, and always refer to our terms and conditions for more detailed guidelines.

Potential side effects of AOD-9604 peptide

Like all things, caution is key. Being aware of possible jitter or any cartilage-related discomfort ensures you’re keeping an eye out for those rare hiccups in the matrix.

Comparing AOD 9604 safety with other peptides

Among the spectrum of peptides, AOD-9604 peptide therapy presents a bright safety profile when compared to others, especially in mitigating adverse effects like blood sugar spikes. It’s the cautious choice for cautious folks!

Who should avoid AOD 9604 peptide therapy?

Those with conditions like severe osteoarthritis or specific metabolic conditions should tread carefully as certain processes many other regenerative properties may overlap with treatment effects.

Clinical Applications of AOD 9604

Original Pure Lab Peptides Mindmap Diagram showing clinical uses of AOD-9604.

AOD 9604 in clinical trials

Clinical studies revolving around this peptide unravel its potential beyond weight loss. Tests on animals, like the rabbit osteoarthritis model, suggest prospects in regenerative treatments such as bone and cartilage repair.

Real-world applications of AOD-9604

Out in the wild, AOD-9604 functions as an intriguing peptide therapy tool beyond body aesthetics, diving into potential benefits for those managing weight while keeping obesity at bay.

AOD-9604 peptide in the healthcare sector

The aod-9604 peptide not only helps tackle obesity but is also paving pathways for therapeutic uses in fat metabolism disorders. Whether it’s in the lab or field, its footprint is growing.

Innovations in life sciences with AOD-9604

Embracing this biotech marvel opens doors to modern treatment methodologies and exhibits the striking benefits of aod-9604. Whether your interest lies in the lab or practical applications, this peptide shakes things up!

Factors to Consider Before You Buy AOD 9604

Original Pure Lab Peptides Mindmap Diagram describing considerations when buying AOD-9604.

What to know before buying AOD 9604

Here’s the scoop: when you’re ready to make that purchase, ensure the product’s authenticity and purity because, just like a good cup of coffee, quality matters!

How to ensure purity when you buy AOD 9604

Always prioritize vendors emphasizing rigorous quality checks. A good way to dodge disappointment is thorough research and affirming the company’s credentials.

Importance of quality control in AOD-9604 peptides

Quality control cannot be underestimated—it’s the invisible watchdog ensuring every injection delivers exactly what’s promised without any health risks sneaking up.

Where to buy AOD 9604 for research purposes

For legitimate research, top-tier suppliers observing stringent compliance are your best bet. Remember to look for those with a reliable track record in research peptides to maintain scientific integrity.

AOD 9604 vs. Other Peptides

Original Pure Lab Peptides Sequence Diagram comparing AOD-9604 with other peptides.

How does AOD-9604 compare to growth hormone peptides?

While growth hormone peptides stimulate wide-ranging effects, AOD-9604 focuses stubbornly on fat loss, wielding a sword against lipogenesis and a shield for curbing fat accumulation.

AOD-9604 vs. CJC-1295: Which is better for fat loss?

Both have their fans, but AOD-9604’s specificity in inhibiting the growth of new fat cells and stimulating fat breakdown makes it particularly loved by those targeting fat loss.

Comparing AOD-9604 with Ipamorelin for weight loss

Ipamorelin has some weight management fans for growth hormone stimulation, but when it comes to fat-burning specifics, AOD-9604 holds the upper hand.

Benefits of AOD-9604 over other peptide therapies

When taking aod-9604, its minimal adverse effects on blood sugar and targeted fat metabolism provide overarching perks unseen with more generalized therapies.

Reconstitution and Usage of AOD 9604

Original Pure Lab Peptides Activity Diagram detailing peptide reconstitution steps for AOD-9604.

How to reconstitute AOD 9604 peptide

Reconstitution is straightforward but precise—follow those manufacturer guidelines like you’re reading a cookie recipe if you want those delicious results!

Best practices for using AOD-9604 peptide

To get the most out of your AOD-9604 journey, consistent injection schedules and correct dosages play roles as pivotal as maintaining the balance of amino acids in a complex dance.

Dosage guidelines for AOD-9604 peptide therapy

Sticking to tried-and-true dosages recommended based on individual requirements ensures your body receives the right stimulation without rocking the boat.

How to maximize the effects of AOD-9604

Combining diet and exercise optimally will bolster the benefits this peptide brings; a little teamwork goes a long way in hitting those weight loss goals.

Supporting Scientific Studies

Original Pure Lab Peptides Sequence Diagram supporting studies related to AOD-9604.

Key studies on AOD-9604 efficacy

Research backed by facts, especially trials on knock-out mice and obese zucker rats, highlights AOD-9604’s potential as a fat-burning maestro.

The science behind AOD-9604 for fat loss

The lipolytic processes trigger body fat breakdown through a seamlessly mimicking the way natural growth hormone regulates our vital paths.

How research supports AOD-9604 use in peptide therapy

Ample data from various biotech investigations reinforces AOD-9604’s role as an integral part of peptide therapy, boding well for both weight loss and beyond.

Advances in peptide research involving AOD-9604

There’s no stopping innovation here! With each scientific step through peptide fragment studies, we comprehend more of what AOD-9604 is capable of ushering in future therapies.

User Experiences with AOD 9604

Original Pure Lab Peptides Mindmap Diagram exploring user experiences with AOD-9604.

What do users say about AOD 9604?

From personal tales shared, folks experience not just fat reduction, but also a boost in overall well-being. It’s like a breath of fresh air wrapped in a peptide.

Real testimonials on AOD-9604 peptide therapy

Stories from loyal customers highlight the transformative power this peptide holds, with many citing substantial fat loss as a game-changer.

Common results experienced by AOD-9604 users

Whether it’s a body weight loss or increased energy during workouts, users frequently note improvements in how they burn fat and manage weight.

Analyzing feedback on AOD-9604’s effectiveness

Feedback reinforces that while variability exists, the positive link between consistent use and results like fat burning is undeniable.

AOD 9604 in the Cosmetics Industry

Original Pure Lab Peptides Sequence Diagram detailing cosmetic uses of AOD-9604.

How AOD-9604 is used in cosmetics

Think peptide as anti-aging’s newest ally. In the cosmetics industry, this peptide is making waves by promoting revitalized appearance and healthy texture in skincare.

Benefits of AOD-9604 in skincare

With regenerative properties, it combines efforts to nourish the skin, aiding hydrating elements like hyaluronic acid to do their magic better.

AOD-9604 and anti-aging: What’s the connection?

By engaging the natural growth hormone pathways, it offers cosmetic benefits that extend into skin elasticity and suppleness—a win-win for anyone invested in maintaining youthful looks.

Innovations in cosmetics with AOD-9604 peptide

Emerging as biotech’s darling, AOD-9604 is raising the bar for luxurious, effective skincare solutions, proving it’s not just a one-trick pony.

Future of AOD 9604 Peptide Therapy

Original Pure Lab Peptides Activity Diagram outlining future research directions for AOD-9604.

What is the future of AOD-9604 in therapy?

The road ahead is bursting with potential. As research delves deeper into how this peptide aids weight and regenerative solutions, who knows what tomorrow might bring?

Potential developments in AOD-9604 research

Continuous research opportunities in biotech use this peptide as the launching pad for novel therapies across both medical and cosmetic fields.

Emerging trends in peptide therapy with AOD-9604

From therapeutic strategies to wellness programs, innovative trends manifesting in AOD-9604 applications pave pathways into unknown potentials.

How AOD-9604 is shaping the future of healthcare

AOD-9604 doesn’t just whisper to lipid metabolism; it heralds a future where peptides play a lead role in personalized health solutions tailored just for you.

Common Questions About AOD 9604 Peptide

How soon can results be seen with AOD-9604?

Who doesn’t want quick results? While timelines vary, many see noticeable changes within 12 weeks, aligning perfectly with consistent effort and strategies.

Is AOD-9604 peptide approved by health authorities?

While its journey in drug administration exhibits bright prospects, always check current regulations, as they can change as fast as last season’s fashion.

Can AOD-9604 peptide be combined with other therapies?

In consultation with health providers, AOD-9604 can complement other treatments beautifully—not to replace, but to enhance results with a synergistic twist.

What makes AOD-9604 a popular choice for researchers?

This peptide’s unique focus on regulating fat metabolism without broad hormone influences makes it a sweet spot for researchers honing in on specific pathways.

Innovation and AOD 9604

How is Pure Lab Peptides innovating with AOD-9604?

Through their commitment to developing quality peptides, Pure Lab Peptides pulls out all stops with tools like peptide calculators, empowering researchers for spectacularly accurate results.

Role of Pure Lab Peptides in advancing AOD-9604 research

Giving the humble AOD-9604 a platform, Pure Lab Peptides spearheads exploration and finds new ways to culturally impact healthcare and research sectors.

Tools and resources for AOD-9604 peptide research

Accurate resources—from guides to calculators—support researchers in executing meticulous experiments with AOD-9604, making your favorite science teacher proud.

How technology is enhancing AOD-9604 transplantation

As tech weaves itself deeper into research, its role in optimizing aod-9604 for weight loss therapies revolutionizes approaches, melds seamlessly with precision biotech advancements, and shapes our regulatory lens.

AOD 9604 and Lifestyle

Original Pure Lab Peptides Mindmap Diagram showing integration of AOD-9604 with lifestyle factors.

How diet affects AOD-9604 efficiency in fat loss

Just like PB&J, diet and AOD-9604 work better together. Poor dietary choices can diminish effectiveness, while a balanced menu amplifies results.

Role of exercise in AOD-9604 peptide therapy

There’s no escaping exercise! It complements AOD-9604, energizing metabolism and delivering sustained fat-burning results that extend beyond sweat-breakers.

Lifestyle adaptations for optimal AOD-9604 results

A holistic approach incorporating rest, hydration, and stress management alongside AOD-9604 ensures your lifestyle aligns with your fat loss expectations seamlessly.

How AOD-9604 integrates with healthy living practices

Together with lifestyle tweaks, integrating AOD-9604 into a healthy, balanced routine fortifies fat loss endeavors, encompasses self-care rituals, and promotes longevity.


  • AOD-9604 is a modified fragment of human growth hormone targeting fat loss.
  • It works wonders by mimicking the way natural growth hormone regulates fat metabolism.
  • AOD-9604 offers less jitter and minimal adverse effects compared to regular hormone therapies.
  • Clinical trials reveal promising safety and efficacy in weight management.
  • Peptide therapy using AOD-9604 shows impressive potential, notably in cosmetics.
  • Always ensure quality control and consult with healthcare providers when using peptides like AOD-9604.
  • Continued research heralds an exciting future for AOD-9604 in diversified therapeutic roles.


1. where to buy aod 9604 peptide

Finding a reliable source is crucial when buying AOD9604 peptide. Pure Lab Peptides offers a trusted option where you can purchase research-grade AOD-9604, ensuring quality and authenticity. Their rigorous standards guarantee you’re receiving the best possible peptide for your needs.

2. where can i buy aod 9604

You can buy AOD-9604 from reputable companies like Pure Lab Peptides, known for their high-quality products and transparent processes. Purchasing from a trusted vendor helps keep your research effective and safe.

3. best place to buy aod 9604

The best place to buy AOD 9604 is from established suppliers like Pure Lab Peptides. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has resulted in loyal customers. They ensure peptides are thoroughly tested for purity and effectiveness.

4. where to get aod 9604 peptide

You can get AOD 9604 peptide from Pure Lab Peptides, a respected name in the peptide industry. Their focus on research-grade quality and attention to detail provides peace of mind and guarantees reliable results.

5. where to buy aod 9604

Buy AOD 9604 from a credible vendor like Pure Lab Peptides. By choosing a reputable provider, you reduce health risks and ensure the peptide meets the highest quality standards.

6. how do i get aod 9604

To get AOD 9604, begin by visiting Pure Lab Peptides’ website, where you can browse their selection. Select the product, follow the purchasing instructions, and adhere to terms and conditions for a straightforward transaction.

7. where to buy aod 9604 oral

While AOD 9604 is mainly available in injectable forms, some vendors might offer oral options. It’s essential to verify the legitimacy and purity of these products by checking with established suppliers like Pure Lab Peptides.

8. how to buy aod 9604

Buying AOD 9604 requires selecting a reputable supplier like Pure Lab Peptides. Add the product to your cart, follow checkout protocols, and ensure you’re aware of their shipping and storage policies.

9. where to get aod 9604

AOD 9604 can be obtained from secure and reliable sources such as Pure Lab Peptides. Their dedication to customer service and transparent procedures make them a top choice for researchers.

10. How Does AOD-9604 Work?

AOD-9604 works by simulating the fat-burning activities of the natural human GH, specifically targeting the breakdown of body fat. Initially developed for its potential as an anti-obesity treatment, it operates on the 177-191 fragment of human growth hormones. This mechanism increases lipolysis while controlling lipogenesis in adipose tissues. Additionally, the peptide’s action on the c-terminal advises its mediated direct effects on metabolism, linking many other regenerative properties associated with growth processes.

Peptide Industry Contributing Authors Recognition

Dr. Richard DiMarchi

Dr. Richard DiMarchi is a pioneering expert in peptide-based therapeutics, primarily focusing on metabolic disorders. With an illustrious career spanning over three decades, Dr. DiMarchi has been instrumental in developing revolutionary peptide drugs that enhance our understanding of obesity and diabetes treatments. He has significantly contributed to the creation and development of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogs, which play a vital role in managing body weight and blood sugar levels.

Dr. DiMarchi’s notable publications include:

Dr. DiMarchi’s work has been widely recognized, earning accolades such as the 2018 Edward E. Smissman Award for exceptional contributions to the field of medicinal chemistry. His authoritative voice and trustworthiness in peptide research underscore his extensive knowledge and pioneering innovations.

Dr. Victor Hruby

Dr. Victor Hruby is a distinguished scientist specializing in peptide chemistry and its applications in drug development. Known for his groundbreaking research in neuropeptide analogs, Dr. Hruby has contributed extensively to our understanding of how peptides affect pain management and sexual performance. His research emphasizes the c-terminal modifications to neuropeptide structures, enhancing their efficacy and stability.

Key publications by Dr. Hruby include:

Dr. Hruby’s contributions are marked by his inventive approach towards peptide design, which has led to numerous therapeutic advancements. His research has earned him several prestigious awards, including the Merrifield Award from the American Peptide Society, highlighting his expertise and impact in the field of peptide science.

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